Friday, March 7, 2014

Journal Entries

Journal Entry
John Proctor
Dear Diary,
                    Today I went into town to see what mischief was coming about. I heard that a girl could fly and that it had to do with some type of witchery. Although that is not the only thing i came for. When I came into town Abigail stopped me and told me that she had not stopped thinking about me after our last acquaintance. I told her that what had happened was in the past and that it was a one time thing and it would never happen again. She insisted that I had not come to see a about some girl flying that I had only came because of her. Even though I did want to see her again I Told her that she was only a girl and that I had a wife and kids and it should have never happened in the first place. When I said this I got my things and left for home. For some reason I kept thinking that i would soon regret what I had done and hoped that that was the end of it.

Dear Diary,

                     Today as I returned home reverend Paris and Mr. Hale came knocking at my door. I was not expecting any visits from anyone but when I went to the door these two men came bursting into my house accusing marry warren of witch craft. I told them that that was absurd and that they had no idea of what they were talking about. Mr. Hale said that Abigail had come home one night with a needle stuck in her stomach. He said that Abigail said Marry Warren did this to her and that she was using witch craft to do this. She said that Marry had a doll that controlled Abigail to stick her self with it. Mr. Hale asked me if I had any poppets in the household. I told him I did not and that he would not find any here. However Marry had a poppet that she made a few days  ago and stuck a pin in it. I asked her why she did this and she told me that she put the needle in it for safe keeping. Mr. Hale and Reverend Paris however did not believe this so they told her that she would have to have proof that someone saw her out it in the poppet for safe keeping.

Dear Diary,

                    The night Mr. Hale and reverend Paris came to my house they accused my wife of witch craft. I went to court the next day to settle the dispute. Ever since Abigail and I slept together she has been doing anything in her power to make sure that my wife is killed just so she can be with me. since my wife was sentence to jail I went to court and told Danforth that she was innocent. I told him that she has never lied a day in her life and if he were to give her another chance he would see that she was telling the truth. Danforth wanted to here from marry so that he could get a witness so that he knew it wasn't my wife's poppet. Danforth asked Abigail if she had seen Marry making a poppet. Abigail denied and told Danforth that she had seen Elisabeth with many poppets.

Dear Diary,

                 While I was in court I tried telling Danforth that that wasn't her poppet and that she had never kept any and that Marry had made it. Danforth did not believe me and decided that he would like to here my wife's side of the story. When she came in the court room Danforth asked her why she put Abigail on the high road and she lied to him telling him that she didn't like her and that she turned on her but her husband did not. When she lied I told her that I had confessed it but she was sent out. by the same time Danforth accused me of lying and I had no other choice but to lie and say that I had been worshiping the devil. Danforth wouldn't here any more of this so he decided to send me and my wife to jail. although I will be hanged soon since my wife is to bare a child she will be spared for only a year.

Dear Diary,
                   Today will be my last day, I know this only because I have told everyone that I am responsible for the witchery that has gone around this town. later today I will be hanged only because of a dumb decision I made. I did sleep with Abigail but I strongly regret it. if I knew that it would have ended like this then I would have never done it. She came to me while I was here in jail and told me that she never meant for this to happen. She only wanted my wife to be sentence to death and not me. This was only because she was in love with me and she only wanted me. I told her that she was made and that was the last I heard of her.


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