Friday, March 7, 2014

Character list

John Proctor - Hugh Jackman

Jackman at FICCI-FRAMES 2011 seminar in Mumbai, India on 25 March 2011
 I chose him because he is one of my favorite actors. He also plays the protagonist in many films such as the xmen series and the wolverine movies.

Tituba -  Oprah Winfrey

she has played in  numerous movies and used to have her own talk show. She would play a great role in this movie because she has played a role like this in the movie the color purple.

Goody Elizabeth Proctor: Cameron Diaz

I chose Cameron Diaz for Elizabeth Proctor because, she is attractive and an amazing actress also.    She can play almost all roles of any character because she is such a good actress.  I think she would be the perfect part for Elizabeth Proctor.

Mary Warren: Anne Hathaway

I chose Anne Hathaway for Mary Warren because, I think she would be the best part for her.  She is a very talented actress, she has been in many movies with many different roles. She kind of has a shy look about her, and she would be a good house keeper role.

Reverend Samuel Parris: Robbin Williams

I chose Robbin Williams for Reverend Samuel Parris because, he is kind of an older man, and he is an amazing actor.  When it's time to be serious, he can be serious, and he can also have fun.  He has starred as a church leader in one of his movies, and so he would be perfect for the part.

Goody Ann Putnam: Julia Roberts

I chose Julia Roberts for Goody Ann Putnam because she is a little older, but not too old.   She is very good at what she does, and could probably act out anything. I've seen some of her movies and have been very impressed.  She's a perfect part.

Goody Rebecca Nurse: Sigourney Weaver

I chose Sigourney Weaver for Goody Rebecca Nurse because she would be great at this part.  She is very kind, and cares about others, and stands up for what she believes. So I think Sigourney would be a great actress for this part.  She is very talented
Reverend Hale - Morgan Freeman
I chose Morgan Freeman because he is an outstanding actor and has an amazing voice. I could see him fight for what is right and what he believes to save someone's life. He's played in many movies and is one of my favorite actors.
Abigail Williams - Miley Cyrus
I could see her playing the part as Abigail mainly because she seems to act like Abigail in a way and she seems to be the type of person that will get what ever she wants.
Giles - Harrison Ford
Harrison Ford has played in many movies and would be a perfect fit for this film. Harrison ford is one of my favorite actors he could play just about any part. Leonardo DiCaprio
Thomas Putnam  - Leonardo DiCaprio
Hes a very good actor and has played many roles through out his career. He played in the great Gatsby that is why I see him as a rich man in this film.
Betty Paris - Courtney Merritt
She is a very young actress and would fit the part well since she is young. She has played in some films if she played in this movie then we would probably be seeing her in more films.


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